


Some outdoor scenes

from Botswana.

Sunset at Lekhubu Island.


Our campsite at Lekhubu Island.




During a game drive from one of our Okavango Delta camps

we came across these elephants.

Our guides estimated we sighted

over 1,000 elephants that day.

Simply fascinating.

Our flight over The Okavango Delta…

…was equally as fascinating…



…as our game drives.





In 2013…

…we visited an area known as God’s Window near Graskop…

 …which is located in South Africa’s,

Mpumalanga Province

Mpumalanga Province is divided into three districts.

God’s Window is in the District of Ehlanzeni.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:  District



Unfortunately I am back to ‘I think’ again.

After all the rhododendrons we sited

in New Zealand last year….

I think this may be another.

The only thing I am sure of is that

it was photographed at the

Mt Sheba Resort in South Africa.






Many moons ago John Denver sang of

the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake’

in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

The only thing in common with those lyrics

and this image is the word serenity.

However, I like this  image/scene and

I love Rocky Mountain High and of have

An Evening with John Denver

playing while I am blogging.



A Corio Bay sunrise a few years ago.


The serenity of a Botswana sunset…

…and sunrise.

Finally, a blue hour image of Geelong’s

Western Beach area.


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:  Serenity

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Leya:  Serenity

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:  Serenity

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:  Serenity