Book Review-Death-Wish

Death Wish


Linda Huber

Death Wish was recommended by a Goodreads friend.  I had never heard of Linda Huber, however, after reading Death Wish I will be seeking out more of her novels.

Death Wish is a rather gruesome story about neighbours who have family problems.  Both have an elderly parent living with them.  And while sympathising with one parent’s wishes it is hard to feel anything but annoyance towards the other.  And if the latter’s son-in-law had not been so greedy many of their issues would not have arisen, which means no story to tell.

There is, thankfully, only one child in this story, eight-year-old year old Joya who is treated like a mushroom (kept in the dark and feed….).  Joya is sensitive to the verbal and non-verbal cues which are all around her.   And yes she does draw the incorrect conclusion in many instances.  Death Wish portrays a gross lack of real communication between, and within, both families.

From the prologue to the epilogue, Death Wish kept me intrigued.  Death Wish does not sound like a crime story however it is.   Death Wish also deals with the social issue of elderly and infirm parents moving in with their children and, in particularly, parents making unreasonable demands and manipulating the lives of their off-spring.  How both these families deal with their individual and combined problems will keep you turning page after page.

Goodreads readers have rated

Death Wish

4.24 stars from 91 ratings and 30 reviews.

I rated Death Wish

 a solidread.

Image result for death wish linda huber

Death Wish

can be purchased on-line at 

Fishpond, Booktopia, Amazon,