


the pointed top of a mountain.


Topping out at 6,190 metres or 20,310 feet,

above sea-level Mt Denali is often

covered by clouds.

The day we were supposd to see Mt Denali,

this was also the case.

Fortunately our driver, the next day was alert,

saw Denali in his rear view mirror

and stopped to see if we wanted a photo.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Peak





a long or arduous search
for something.

Mt Denali, Alaska.

We spent the better part of a day on a quest

to view the Mt Denali peak and capture an image,

however, we were thwarted by cloud, all day long.

Then, as we made our way to Fairbanks

the next morning our coach driver stopped

and allowed us time to capture this image

of the mighty mountain.












I think it may have been divine intervention

that made this image possible.

Day 1 and the peak was covered in clouds

while we visited Denali National Park.

The next day as we were travelling to Fairbanks

our coach driver pulled over so

we could capture shots like this one, of

North America’s highest peak

Alaska’s, Mount Denali. 


The Million Dollar View at

Banff Springs Hotel


Golden Plains between

Geelong and the Western District.


And the views from…


…from God’s Window over South Africa’s

Blyde River canyon…

…can only be described as divine.











North America’s highest peak

Alaska’s, Mount Denali, 

provided a spectacle when it broke

through surrounding clouds

Topping out at 20,310 feet

above sea level it dominates

other mountain peaks in

Denali National Park.










I have used nature to provide me with

some brightness this week.

Amazing how bright an area look with

some yellow or other bright colour…

…popping among the greenery.



This yellow and purple combination

was captured at  Denali in Alaska.

The above image (marigolds?)

is from Juneau in Alaska.

Geelong grown Dahlias…

…and way past its best a home grown anemone.

Finally, nothing could be much brighter than

our very own starr as it lights up

a lone catamaran

on Corio Bay.


One Word Sunday Challenge:  Bright