


Cosmic Challenge

in the canopy

or the branches and leaves that spread out
at the tops of trees in the woods:.



The Cool Temperate Rain Forest in

the Otway Ranges along the

Great Ocean Road.

Google tells me this is either a Sugar Maple or a Vine Maple.

My personal choice is the Sugar Maple.

In 2018 it was growing in Canada’s Butchart Gardens.













a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.

The forest near Forrest in

the Otway Ranges.

Forest along the Great Ocean Road.

The Rotorua

Red Wood Forest…


…New Zealand.

A few months ago I read about

a Red Wood Forest

in the Otways.

As yet I have not sighted those trees.







Denzil’s Nature PC.


A Giant Red Wood

growing happily in the

Geelong Botanic Gardens


This year marks 150 years since it was planted

A Giant Red Wood plantation at…





I have read of a similar planting of Red Woods

in the nearby Otway Ranges…


…however, as yet I have not sighted these trees.

I have been to Forrest several times

but not since I read of

the Red Woods.








My first Cosmic challenge

Even though it was mid-June there was unexpected,

from everyone’s point of view,

snow falling on

Canada’s Columbia Icefield

before and during our visit.

Whilst snow is not unheard of in Australia,

it was the first time I had ever experienced

falling snow.


These are more like winter woodland scenes…


…from South Western




