Book Review-Conclave




Robert Harris


Conclave, by Robert Harris, was recommended to me as an interesting read about the election, and selection, of a new Pope by the one hundred and eighteen cardinals eligible to vote.  In my opinion, Conclave lived up to its recommendation…and more.

Simply the process of electing a new Pope was, in itself, an interesting read.  However, combine this with the manipulation of good candidates out of contention with half-truths and innuendo left me wondering if there are any honest/clean Cardinals in the Catholic Church.

Conclave is a good easy read.  Thanks to my insomnia of late, I read Conclave in less than a week.  This, for me, is flying through a book.  A 0200 half hour reading session easily became an hour or more.  Fast readers will devour this story as it is a real page turner.

The only thing not in Conclave is straight out murder…and even that is not assured as the Pope’s death was not really explained.  And there was motive!!

One small word of warning, though.  Do not be put off by the first chapter of two as this is where all relevant characters are introduced with their long winded titles.

Whatever one’s religious background, or not, I think Conclave an excellent read.

I have place Conclave on My Favourites shelf on Goodreads.

Conclave is definitely a


star read.  

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an average of 4.0 from 4,203 ratings and 624 reviews

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