


Definitions of orientation. the act of orienting.
the act of putting something in a certain place.
position or alignment relative to points of the compass
or other specific directions.

Landscape view/orientaion

Portrait orientation/view.






a steady radiance of light or heat.

Our guide soon had our dinner cooking on glowing coals.

See pot on front right.


Finally, there is a glow on the horizon

just before the sun rises.








The Kalahari Scrub Robin

Sighted at


Lekhubu Island

South Africa.




1600 Tuesday


Cosmic Challenge

Wide Open Spaces:1


When I saw this theme my thoughts immediately…

…went to the Kalahari Dessert and…


…and our trip across the

Makgadikgadi Salt Pans…

…before arrriving at Botswana’s

Lekhubu Island…

…which is little more than a rocky outcrop

in what was once Lake Makgadikgadi…


Now it is wide open spaces that visitors see…


…upon arriving at Lekhubu Island…

…wide open spaces and

these beautiful Boabab Trees

which add to the sunset…


…and the sunrise.










(of a place) uninhabited and giving an
impression of bleak emptiness.

As we approached Sua Pan on our

way to Le Khubu Island

in Botswana’s

Kalahari Desert…

…the surrounding countryside became

more desolate looking.


Thousands of years ago this island was

surounded Lake Makgadikgadi.

Now it is surrounded by the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans.

From the top of this rocky outcrop we could

see nothing that would sustain life.

In fact, the only thing that was sighted

was a small twister.


Weekly Prompt Photo Challenge:  Desolate






It took the better part of half a day

to cross Botswana’s,

Makgadikgadi Salt Pans

which form part of the

Kalahari Desert.

This antelope was the only sign of life

we sighted in an otherwise

empty landscape.

The Arabian Desert, however,

was full of sand and

not a lot more.

There appeared to be a lot of empty space

in the Okavango Delta

when we were airborne…

…again, however, even from this height appearances

can be deceiving…

…as apart from the tractor and trailer

There could be several animals

seeking refuge from the sun in

the shade of the trees.

Back in the Kalahari, upon leaving LeKhubu Island

we travelled for sveral hours across

these empty spaces.

Along The Great Ocean Road

is an empty space rather closer to home,

only this day there was a crowd (of two) on the

Gibson Steps Beach.



Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:…Empty-Spaces

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Anne:…Empty-Spaces

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:…Empty-Spaces

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:…Empty-Spaces


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Anne:…Empty-Spaces

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Sofia:…Empty-Spaces

Lens-Artist Photo-Challenge John:…Empty-Spaces

Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Donna:…Empty- Spaces


Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Ritva:…Empty-Spaces





an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions,
especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert
or on a hot road caused by the refraction
of light from the sky by heated air.


On the horizon there appears to be a thin darker

blue line resembling the ocean or water.

However considering the nearest ocean was

approximately 1,000 kilomtres to the east

and that Lekhubu Island is in the

Kalahari Desert it was more likely to be

a mirage than anything else.










vehicles moving on a public highway.


In Botswana, on the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans,

we drove for three or four hours

without encountering any traffic what-so-ever.

In Rome, the foot trafic was a problem…


…and in Amsterdam it was cyclists

we had to become used to.










Thousands of years ago…


…this landscape was under water…

…and, I suspect, the view would have

looked something like this.

However, when we crossed the

Makgadikgadi Salt Pans

we were surrounded by wide open space…


…and although I love my country

more than city living…

…sometimes space is just too much.

We only spent one night at LeKhubu Island,

however, in 2014, one night was enough

to admire the ancient Baobab Trees…


…which appear to thrive in this North Eastern

section of the Kalahari Desert


One Word Sunday Challenge:…Space






Denzil’s Nature PC.


A Raven of the Tower of London


Botswana’s Pied Crow



A Raven at the

Tower of London…


Legend has it that the day there are no ravens

at the Tower, the monarchy will fall.

A local crow.

From a farming perspective, crows are the worst

bird around, this time of year (lambing).

Should a ewe be having difficulty lambing these birds

will attack the eye of either the lamb or the ewe.

On the rare occasion that it appeared that

the ewe and/or lamb would survive the attack

they would invariably die within a few

days from blood poisoning.



