
Exhibit Alexandra


Natasha Bell

Exhibit Alexandra by Natasha Bell was the first of her works that I have read.  It was an interesting book however, I’m not sure that I will be chasing her other books as this plot was one which I have never come across before.

Exhibit Alexandra tells the story of a teacher’s wife, who left her career to raise a family.  One day when their children are in, or nearing, their teenage years, Alexandra disappears leaving her husband and two girls behind.  Police eventually decide that Alexandra has been murdered and scale down their search.

Alexandra’s husband is not as certain (as the police) and continues searching until he finally tracks her down.

To say much more will entail revealing spoilers which I am loath to do.

Narrator, Katharine McEwan, does a fair job of narrating of what is essentially, a slow storyline.

Simply because Exhibit Alexandra was a different story to those I usually read.  As stated previously, about other books, it may be a better read than an audio-book.




I have rated

Exhibit Alexandra

is still a star read.

At the time of writing my review

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Exhibit Alexandra

an average of 3.30 stars,

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and 328 reviews.

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Exhibit Alexandra

can be purchased online at

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