Floral Friday-070314


Floral Friday Challenge.


Today I had cause to drive to Warrnambool, about two hours away, and nearly the home of my misspent youth.

With a bit of time to spare I ventured down the Breakwater and Thunder Point


While I was expecting to take seascapes there were many other subjects including this plant which appeared quite happy in the exposed setting and trailing down the stone wall.

flower_0545Opposite the first photo was this shot which appeared a bit bland out of the camera…

flower_0546 so I tried Picasa’s boost to enhance the colour.



Likewise this shot did not appear as colourless at the time.  Maybe, temperatures below twenty and fairly brisk southerly ripping in from Bass Strait effected my powers of observation.


I also gave this shot a slight Picasa ‘boost’.



Floral Friday

Floral Friday


Floral Friday-280214


Floral Friday Challenge.


Some random photos from our garden this week.


Although taken last in September, this photo could have been taken this morning prior a day of thirty-three degree temperatures.



To the right of the first photo stand several grevillias,

which still have some flowers on them as autumn approaches.



Floral Friday

Floral Friday


Floral Friday-210214


Floral Friday Challenge.


Mt Sheba colour this week.




This is an old-fashioned fuchsia which we had many of at our  previous home.

Unfortunately, focus was not quite right.

So, I used Picasa’s Heat Map effect to convert it into, I think,

an acceptable image.



Floral Friday

Floral Friday


Floral Friday-070214


Floral Friday Challenge.


Quick and simple this week…its been a long day.

Roses_0523MGW had a birthday yesterday.

A surprise delivery, at work, brightened her day


Floral Friday

Floral Friday



Floral Friday-310114


Floral Friday Challenge.


I think this is a hibiscus.

flower_0560We tried to grow them in the Western District…alas the climate was too cold and they always succumbed.



However, in Geelong’s milder climate  they seem to thrive.


Floral Friday

Floral Friday



Floral Friday-1001


Floral Friday Challenge.


Back in Fremantle this week.

flower_0330These flowers are part of the garden at a small coffee shop near the departure point for our return ferry journey back to Perth.


We have no idea what they are.


however, they are eye-catching.


Floral Friday

Floral Friday



Floral Friday-030114


Floral Friday Challenge.


Last summer was the first time our Lemonade lemon tree produced any quantity of fruit.

Lemon_0337As it turned out we did not eat all of the fruit and some lemons remained on the tree over the winter months.


Lemon_0340Spring arrived with new blooms and still last seasons fruit remained on the tree.

Every now and again we would use several with a meal and the last of them being picked since Christmas.  They were the sweetest lemons I have ever tasted.


Lemon_0346 I would like to know if lemons naturally sweeten the longer they are on the tree.

Or is it simply the Lemonade variety we have?


Lemon_0347 Meanwhile the new season’s fruit appears to be progressing well.


Floral Friday

Floral Friday



Floral Friday-2712


Floral Friday Challenge.


Our Grass Tree replacement.



Agave_0339Our Agave looks better after twelve months than our grass tree did at the same time.


Floral Friday

Floral Friday


 Related articles


Floral Friday-1312


Floral Friday challenge.


Earlier in the week I posted a shot of where our Grass Tree was planted.

DSC_0336Much has changed since that photo was taken.  This is how it looked today.


The first time that both the Agapanthus and it’s companion plant (paler green foliage, name eludes me) have flowered together.


Near the top left hand corner of this shot, through the flax,

is the grass trees replacement.

An Agave…more about this next week.


Floral Friday

Floral Friday


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