


With dreams of Africa again next year,

my Details post comes from where else…Africa.  🙂



Our first 2013 elephant sighting in

South Africa’s

Kruger National Park…

….did not provide any more detail

than we would note at a zoo.

Even this tusk while showing more detail

is still a cropped effort from a fair distance,

therefore not really good.



However, upon our arrival at Elephant Whispers,

Tembo, a 6 ton male, helped us out.

Note the eye and lashes.




Not to mentioned the size of

the nail clippers required

to keep his feet manicured.  🙂

By now you have realised he is

on the ground for inspection.

MGW found a warm spot under her hand.

She blushed a bit when told it was

the heat from his testicles.



Although no-one in our group wore one

many local females (from memory)

were wearing a wrist bracelet

made from elephant tail hair.



Not a cabbage leaf, rather the rear side Tembo’s ear.

Apparently the flapping of ears

helps with air conditioning the body.



Note the wear and tear of life on the tusk.




While  in the area of tusks, this is a sight

I have never before seen, or am likely to see again.

A work colleague of 2013 did not recognise

this view of Tembo’s trunk.



Want to know how tall an elephant is?

Step 1.   Ask it to lie-down on the ground.

Step 2.   Measure circumference of its front foot.

Multiply circumference by 2.0 and you have

the height of its shoulder from the ground.

Therefore, a 1.5 metre foot circumference is

equal to 3.0 metres tall at the shoulder.



Elephants have four toes on their front feet,

and only three toes on their rear feet which

are also a very different shape.



Lots of living showing on the tusks.




…there were other things to think of

rather than look at all those details

while we were under Tembo’s trunk.


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:  Detail

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Leya:  Detail

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:  Detail

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:  Detail





This team of huskies had just pulled

a four wheel motor bike around a track…

for the tourist watching from the paddler wheeler,

The Discovery II.


They could’t get into the river quick

enough to cool down.

While I don’t h ave any photos of them shaking dry,

I have yet to see any working dogs not give themselves

a very hearty shake to dry off after a swim on a hot day.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge: Shake




fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.

The mood was one of jocularity and thankfulness

about eleven years ago…

…when our boys decided to present their

Grandfather (Father-In-Law)

with a wig for his birthday.

He had been undergoing chemotherapy

and did not have much on top at the time.


Word of the Day Challenge:   Jocular