

Burke’s Luck Potholes

Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve

South Africa

The Blyde River has cut almost

perfect circular holes in the rock

of Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:   Natural 



During my working life I have come into contact

with many (sheep dog) pups…all of which

have a cute factor about them.

Candi did not take long to settle into

Number 2 Son’s arms.

He may have had a head start as

she was a Christmas or birthday gift

from him and daughter-in-law to me.

I have never seen an ugly Labrador

at this stage of its life.

Taji still loves to be handled and

given some rough play.



I think my all time favourite ‘cutes’ are

the several hundred photos I have

of ‘Nosy’ and ‘Rosy’ and Mum Limpy

on our last night in Africa 2013.

At 6-8 weeks old what more would a cub do

but munch on elephant dung

while watching tourists.


Cee’s Black & White Challenge:  Cute





Today we were heading north from Whakatane

and the Ohope Beach / Opotiki region.

We came upon this hillside covered in

what we call Pampas Grass.

The bushy flowers do look attractive,

particularly with the sun behind them.

To the best of my memory pampas

is a noxious weed in Australia.

Somewhere near Paerora is the best

I can do for this image.

We were on our way to Matta Matta

and the Hobbiton Movie Set.

New Zealand