



Wind or water lines, in the sand,

along Killarney Beach

on Victoria’s

South West Coast.


Eastern Beach Parking Bays



Vertical and horizontal lines at


Eastern Beach.


Curved lines at





One Word Sunday Challenge:…Lines










Prince’s Theatre




Geelong’s Eastern Beach Ferris Wheel

A circle we have not yet enjoyed…


The London Eye however,

was a must ride, particularly after

talking to fellow travellors.


One Word Sunday Challenge:…Circle









the period from sunset to sunrise in each twenty-four hours



Auckland Harbour Bridge.

Houses of Parliament



…the London Eye



Closer to home is this selection

of Geelong night images

Geelong from my hospital room window last year (May 2021)


Geelong by night from Griffin Gully


Geelong from Griffin Gully

You Yangs in the background

Eastern Beach…



Cunningham Pier

The first year Geelong had

a floating Christmas Tree (2015)









We decided that we would not…


…not ride London’s famous Eye…


…and remained steadfast with our decision

until we were shown some after dark

images taken from the Eye.



…I think this is…


…a fantastic display of…

…Christmas lights.


In July 2021 we visited,

with all family members,

a Winter Wonderland

light display.


The display was aimed…


…to entertain young children.

However, it did a good job of keeping

children of all ages entertained

on a cold winter night.


One Word Sunday Challenge:...Fantastic








a view

the ability to see something or
to be seen from a particular place.

Banff Springs Hotel

Million Dollar View.


During recent years,  Griffin Gully

has proven to be a wonderful spot

for Blue Hour…


…and sunrise photos…

…all year round.

From high atop the London Eye…

Big Ben quickly became…

…Little Ben.


Weekly Prompt Photo Challenge:   A-View






Looking up to the top of the Burj Khalifa.

Can you see how the concrete in

the middle foreground of this image,

(bottom) looks a bit like a kidney bowl?

My first image…looking up…was taken

while walking along that area.

A giant bicycle wheel?

The London Eye could be easily mistaken for that.


Ben does not appear that big from atop the Eye.

Two years, two months and 5 days to complete the Eiffel Tower.

Paris from level two of the Eiffel Tower.

Auckland’s Sky Tower…

…where we gathered for dinner to celebrate our

daughter-in-law’s birthday, a few days before…

…No 1 son wed an Auckland girl…D-in-Law#2.

All that aside, whether day or night

the Sky Tower

provides excellent views of the

Auckland Harbour Bridge.


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:...Looking-Up-Looking-Down

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Leya:...Looking-Up-Looking-Down

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:…Looking-Up-Looking-Down*

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:...Looking-Up-Looking-Down





Visual treats

Visiting Notre de Dame de Paris was a real treat…

…made all the more special after the Cathedral…

…was ravaged by fire with 12 months.

I guess I have seen the Eiffel Tower…

…lit up in movies, however seeing it

in person was fantastic.

The Moulin Rouge was also a

must see in Paris.

I doubt that even in my younger days

would I have gone fishing

in the vicinity of white water…


…let alone the white water of Victoria Falls.

An optional helicopter flight over Victoria Falls…

 …to view the effect the rushing waters of

the Zambezi River has had on the landscape

leaving previous falls sites high and dry.

A goodbye London special treat was

a ride on the London Eye.


Well worth the time for some nice views of London…

…after dark.


…after hearing my Father speak of Menin Gate

from time to time, I was pleased to find

a tour group that included a visit

to Menin Gate in its

Western Front itinerary.


So it was that in early June of 2017,

before a relatively small crowd, I was

part of the ceremony that commemorates

the Great War each and every night.

Three local buglers performed the last post

in a simple but moving ceremony at Ypres’

Menin Gate, in Belgium



Amanda                       Sandi




far away in space or time


At 67.41 degrees North

Wiseman, Alaska

located 63 miles north

of the Arctic Circle…

…Wiseman is the most distant place (north)

which we have visited.


However, as the crow flies,

Wiseman is only 12,884 kilometres

from Melbourne.


While London is only 51.50 Degrees North…


…London is a massive 16,893 kilometres

from Melbourne.


I know readers will find this difficult to believe,

but it is true!

There have been times

when I have grumbled about the distance

we are from many parts of the world.

However, this is one of the few times I am pleased

there is distance between Australia

and other parts of the world.

Stay Safe.







Not just a wheel on either side.Many cogs/wheels combine to ensure

that the seed is sown properly.

Now converted to seating outside so passers by

can sit, drink, eat and chat.




A much larger wheel.

The London Eye.

A great view just on dusk.

Geelong’s own version of the London Eye.

A somewhat smaller Ferris Wheel

on the Eastern Beach precinct..


Witsend-Weekly-PC – Wheels