



Signs which are

self explanatory,

I hope.

I don’t remember taking this shot

and have never before, or since,

laid eyes on this bus.

However, according to my filing system

it was taken in Melbourne.

This was about as far as a DSLR camera could go. 

Pocket size cameras and phones

were okay, I believe.

A Tea Room on the

Western Front Battlefields

of France.


Self explanatory? 

All day we were hearing about Whistler

and all day I was thinking

‘…I’ve heard that name before…’   

However, only made the connection upon arrival. 

Fun fact.

  We were told that recent summer sports had

overtaken, economically, winter sports

on/at Whistler.


Cee’s Black & White Challenge:   Signs





A few years ago I unwittingly

became part of a new tradition.

Number 2 Son asked me if I would like to go the movies.

However, we were not attending with the rabble,

rather we were going Gold Class.

Gold Class in Geelong is a small theatre

which only caters for 24 patrons.

We are usually in seats 15-16 or 21-22.

I had not been aware of the ‘tradition’

until the following year when I was again

asked out ‘…for our traditional movie outing…’

This year it is to be the new

Star Wars movie in December.

Yes,  I have already been asked! 🙂

The tradition continues.  🙂


A Photo a Week Challenge: Traditions
