

I hope my images are interesting

and that my answer images

answer the

What is it?


From Bass Strait I came…

Click here for answer

It was only 20-30 feet and a three foot high fence

from our tent.

What is it?

Click here for answer


Their population was decimated

this summer.

What is it?


Click here for answer


Weekly Prompt Photo Challenge:   What-Is-It?





In 2014 I captured these sculptures

outside the Geelong Football Club.

DC Photography 14

For reasons unknown to me, I am fairly certain

they had been removed last time I drove past

that area of Kardinia Park.

Sculpture Saturday:  25




It is difficult to imagine that we travelled from…

nearly, the bottom of Australia…


…to Wiseman, Alaska,

about 100 kilometers…

…inside the Arctic Circle.

These cabins are home…


…to the small population of Wiseman.

Google says it is 12,939 kilometres

from Geelong to Wiseman

as the crow flies.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:  Cabin
