



*   a wide, open, deep, typically round container
with a flat bottom used for holding liquids,
growing plants, etc.
*  plant in a tub.

Not exactly conforming to the definition.

However, our raised garden bed does have

a plastic bottom which we hope will retain

enough summer moisture to keep plants happy.

We decided to raise the planting bed because the soil contains

too much clay, and is always damp/wet.

Hopefully, a nice depth of garden loam these plants will flourish

along with the daffodils I added in the bare spots.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:  Tub





Summer feet both north and south

of the equator.




These heeels are the result of 










I never could wear footwear that lets sand in.



Give me bare feet any day of the year.


Weekly Prompt Photo Challenge: Summer-Footwear