
At 10 PM this evening (Saturday) I opened my email to find a mild withdrawal from the information presented in my Politicians post.


As noted in my friend’s email, I am also mildly embarrassed.

However, it would be interesting to know the truth

Dear All,

 Please note the email below, in response to my onward posting this morning.  Just goes to show the power of the internet for inadvertent embarrassment(although I am only mildly so).



I must apologies to you the email was just a chain mail sent to me and I sent it onto a couple of friends who have posted it out to others and it has gone viral. I forgot to delete my signature block from the bottom and this has given it some authority as being creditable however I have no idea about the research and its veracity. Again please accept my apology and if you post it on please delete my name from it again sorry Dale


ps. can you please email the person and all you sent this email to that there is no evidence to support the figures quoted and kindly ask them to send my note to all they have emailed please as I am receiving 300 emails a day thank you and have a great 2015



I have been known to hop onto any nearby soapbox on the odd occasion.

This is one of those occasions.

Recently one of our politicians told us that the age of entitlement (to an aged pension) was over.  Today I received an email form a friend in which a Griffiths University Professor made us aware of the entitlements to which our politicians have given themselves while telling ordinary workers to tighten their belts.


Italics has been added by the person who sent this.

Dear fellow aging workers,

 A little food for thought and a great idea.

……….although the author didn’t need to include his ‘public servant’ title……….should have generated this ‘on his own time’, so to speak.

I’d watch for my boss coming ‘round the door, if I was you Dale!

 I’m spreading this because I wholeheartedly believe the message…….to which I might add a couple of riders:

 1.       I’ve always believed that to be a successful politician the first requisite is that you have to be a bloody good liar……..or at least a very skilled prevaricator.

2.       It’s very hard not to get caught with your snout in the trough, when it’s right there in front of you.


 Author :    Unknown???

Subject: Change the Entitlements

I absolutely agree, if a pension isn’t an entitlement, neither is theirs. They keep telling us that paying us an aged pension isn’t sustainable.
Paying politicians all the perks they get is even less sustainable! The politicians themselves, in Canberra, brought it up, that the Age of Entitlements is over:

The author is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in Australia will have this message. This is one idea that really should be passed around because the rot has to stop somewhere.

Proposals to make politicians shoulder their share of the weight now that the Age of Entitlement is over:

1. Scrap political pensions.
Politicians can purchase their own retirement plan, just as most other working Australians are expected to do.

2. Retired politicians (past, present & future) participate in Centrelink.
A Politician collects a substantial salary while in office but should receive no salary when they’re out of office.
Terminated politicians under 70 can go get a job or apply for Centrelink unemployment benefits like ordinary Australians.
Terminated politicians under 70 can negotiate with Centrelink like the rest of the Australian people.

3. Funds already allocated to the Politicians’ retirement fund be returned immediately to Consolidated Revenue.
This money is to be used to pay down debt they created which they expect us and our grandchildren to repay for them.

4. Politicians will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Politicians pay will rise by the lower of, either the CPI or 3%.

5. Politicians lose their privileged health care system and participate in the same health care system as ordinary Australian people.
i.e. Politicians either pay for private cover from their own funds or accept ordinary Medicare.

6. Politicians must equally abide by all laws they impose on the Australian people.

7. All contracts with past and present Politicians men/women are void effective 30/06/15.

The Australian people did not agree to provide perks to Politicians, that burden was thrust upon them.
Politicians devised all these contracts to benefit themselves. 

Serving in Parliament is an honour not a career. 
The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so our politicians should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three or so days for most Australians to receive the message. Don’t you think it’s time?

THIS IS HOW YOU FIX Parliament and help bring fairness back into this country!

If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete

If you wonder why the above individuals are asking for your help look at the figures below.


Date of Effect 1 July 2014

Specified Statutory Office

Base Salary  (per annum)

Total Remuneration for office  (per annum)

Chief of the Defence Force > $535,100  –  $764,420

Commissioner of Taxation > $518,000   –  $740,000

Chief Executive Officer, Australian Customs

and Border Protection Service > $483,840  –  $691,200

Auditor-General for Australia > $469,150  –  $670,210

Australian Statistician > $469,150 – $670,210


Salaries of retired Prime Minister and Politicians


Additional salary (%)

Salary as of 1 July

Prime Minister



Deputy Prime Minister






Leader of the Opposition



House of Reps Speaker



Leader of the House



Minister in Cabinet



Parliamentary secretary



Other ministers



Shadow minister



So if I press all the right buttons, the TOTAL annual wages for the 150 seats in the Parliament are:

Prime Minister


Deputy Prime Minister




Leader of the Opposition


House of Reps Speaker


Leader of the House


Minister in Cabinet


Parliamentary secretary


Other ministers*

307,329  x 71 =  A$21,820,359

Shadow ministers*

$243,912  x 71 =  A$17,317,752

The TOTAL ANNUAL SALARIES (for 150 seats) = $41,694,311 – PER YEAR!

And that’s just the Federal Politicians, no one else!

For the ‘lifetime’ payment example (below) I used the scenario that:

1.   They are paid ‘lifetime’ salaries the same as their last working year and

2.   After retiring, the ’average’ pollie’s life expectancy is an additional 20 years (which is not unreasonable).

It’s worth remembering that this is EXCLUDING all their other perks!

SO, for a 20 years ‘lifetime’ payment 

(excluding wages paid while a Parliamentarian)

Prime Minister             @ $507,338  = A$10,146,760

Deputy Prime Minister    @ $400,016  = A$8,000,320

Treasurer                   @ $365,868  = A$7,317,360

Leader of the Opposition  @ $360,990  = A$7,219,800

House of Reps Speaker   @ $341,477  = A$6,829,540

Leader of the House       @ $341,477  = A$6,829,540

Minister in Cabinet         @ $336,599  = A$6,731,980

Parliamentary Secretary   @ $243,912  = A$4,782,240

Other ministers**           @ $307,329  = A$6,146,580 x 71 = A$436,407,180

Shadow ministers**        @ $243,912  = A$4,878,240 x 71 = A$346,355,040


 TOTAL ‘life time’ (20 year) payments, (excluding wages paid while in parliament) = A$833,886,220 – OVER $833 MILLION

Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, John Howard, Paul Keating, Malcolm Fraser, Bob Hawke,et al, add nauseum, are receiving $10 MILLION + EXTRA at taxpayer expense.

Should an elected PM serve 4 years and then decide to retire, each year (of the 4 years) will have cost taxpayers an EXTRA Two and a half million bucks a year!A$2,536,690 to be precise.

A 2 year retirement payment cut-off will SAVE our Oz bottom line      A$792,201,909  *** NEARLY $800 MILLION.

There are 150 seats in House, minus the 8 above = 142 seats, divided equally for example = 71 each for both shadow and elected ministers.

This example excludes all wages paid while a parliamentarian AND all perks on top of that – travel, hotels, Secretarial staff, speech writers, restaurants, offices, chauffeured limos, security, etc. etc.

150 seats, 20-year payment of A$833,886,220 less annual salary x 2 years of A$83,388,622. [$41,694,311 x 2]

“Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.”

Doug Larson (English middle-distance runner who won gold medals at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, 1902-1981)


ACTION: Push for a MAX 2 year post retirement payment(give ‘em time to get a real job).

Spread it far and wide folks. People should know.

Makes you proud to be part of it doesn’t it??

Weekly Photo Challenge-Today-Was-A-Good-Day



My contribution for this week’s challenge…



I had just arrived home from collecting the weekend papers and…

ducks_0001noticed a pair of wild ducks across the road.

ducks_0003I tried to get closer but they took flight.

The sky wasn’t that dark…

 ducks_0004closer to this.

ducks_0005It took a few frames before…

ducks_0007I managed to zoom out enough to capture both birds.

ducks_0008They did not wait around…

ducks_0010choosing to stay well away from me…

ducks_0011preferring to disappear over our neighbours trees.

ducks_0012This is the first time I have captured birds in flight,

and for me

ducks_0013that has made today a good day.

Now, if only my football team will win this afternoon…must run.

Have a good weekend.

The differing coloured (sky) backgrounds is due to my quick, rough editing.  

Have to be gone in an hour to catch a train.

