A Word a Week Photography Challenge-Chilled


My contribution for this week’s

 Word of the Week Challenge…



I took these photos with MGW’s iPhone…


from the comfort of a Qantas 747 during our flight to Africa.

antarctic_6It was the first time many of us had seen the Antarctic.


I don’t know what the temperature was on the ice-pack,

but it was said to be around a chilly minus 50 degrees Celsius, or colder,

at 30,000 feet by the plane’s information panel in our seats.












Travel Theme-Inviting




Travel Theme.


In north-east Botswana there is a lodge named Elephant Sands…
elephant_0263where elephants come to drink, not from the muddy pool of water

but from an invitingly fresh, cool, clear bore water bubbling up at this elephant’s feet.

elephant_0193Whether it be mid afternoon, or…
elephant_0294after dark…
elephant_1371or in the early morning sun, the elephants come,

take turns to drink and quietly leave.


This one left via our ‘chalet’.

Just wish we had been over there.

This photo courtesy MGW.


Where’s My Backpack?: Travel Theme: Inviting



Weekly Photo Challenge-Night-Time


My contribution for this week’s challenge…

Night Time


While on our recent safari we had some nocturnal visitors in our camp.

impala_0291Courtesy of automatic cameras, little light

(making it difficult for the operator see what was in focus),

and you can just make out these impala.

One of our tents in the bottom left corner.

hyena_0270Shenzi is a bit easier to distinguish.

hyena_0269-1He did not mind being the star attraction…

hyena_0269and had a good sniff around for any morsel which we may have dropped, before…

hyena_0097slinking off into the darkness and the next camp site.

The tap was only a few feet from our tents

and used for cleaning teeth, water for kettle and so on.

The ablutions block is another twenty metres past Shenzi.


 In every group there is someone who is a bit shy.

elephant_0568As we had camped on what our guide had told us was the

hippopotamus and elephants track,

it was no surprise when this gentle giant politely

made its way around our camp

to avoid disturbing us.

But what a thrill it was to see these animals.




Travel Theme-Strong




Travel Theme.


A late contribution this week.

elephant_0193To have an animal so strong and yet so gentle drinking only about

twenty metres from us was a fascinating experience


Where’s My Backpack?: Travel Theme: Strong







Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge-Blue


My contribution for this week’s




If there is not any blue in the first photo…

airport_1438I am going to blame my colour vision loss! 🙂

weavers_0236This blue sky silhouettes these weavers’ nests


Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Blue







Black and White Tuesday-2409



Black and White

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


chobe sunset_0916BW

Sunset over the Chobe River, Botswana.

If my memory is correct, the far shore is Namibia.

It felt unusual being able to look into another country.



Hope you enjoyed.
