

A change from pets today.

 African provided us with many pairs.

First, a pair of zebra.


This pair of yellow hornbills welcomed us

and inspected our vehicle

as park entry was being organised.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:  Pair

Cee’s Black and White Challenge-In-the-Distance



Some images captured during our

eight-hour wildlife safari into

Mt Denali National Park, June 2018.

We were told this was an Osprey.

My zoom was set at 210 mm

(315mm for a 35 mm equivalent).



  Dall Sheep…the tiny white dots on the mountain.


According to McKinley lodge staff

grizzly bears were wandering to roads by the dozen,

however this was as close as we came to one.




Finally, I think this is Mount Denali.

If not my apologies.

It was a difficult eight hours and I felt

much information did not reach the back of the bus.










As the sun was sinking slowly in the west,

this combine harvester

(also known as a ‘Header’ at least in Victoria), was…

was still trundling tis way around the paddock,

harvesting as many  headers of grain

before it became too damp to continue.


Word of the Day Challenge: Combine