Black and White Tuesday-1811


Black and White Tuesday,

 November 18, 2014


A couple of shots of…
chobe_1286the beautiful Chobe Lodge (Botswana).

chobe_1287On our walk along this path to the dining room, bar etc.,

banded-mongoose_0005we were greeted by banded mongoose and

the lawn mowers…several warthogs,

which were doing their best

to keep the grass short.



Hope you enjoyed.


Wordless Wednesday-1911


Last Sunday I fed the magpies.
magpie_0607I tossed some bread only three or four feet from the verandah…
magpie_0609and magpies came and ate!


And Ginger protested.


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday (


Craftyspices.com_Wordless Wednesday
