Weekly Photo Challenge-Converge


My contribution for this week’s challenge…



Some re-posts to begin with today’s challenge.
joint_1952All over the world railway lines diverge and

converge taking patrons to various destinations.

geelong_1849Geelong’s ‘Upside Down’ building appears to have supports

which converge with the base to hold the upper levels in place.

voting_1977Today, this will be a familiar site all over Victoria as citizens over eighteen years of age converge on voting centres in libraries, schools and town halls to cast their vote and elect a new parliament to govern the state.  We arrived before the voting began to avoid waiting in line for nearly an hour as happened last election.  As we left the queue was beginning to form.  The queue inside the building is nearly as long as it is outside.

In Australia, we have a ‘choice’ of whether we vote or don’t vote.

However, if our choice is the latter we will be fined.

I have softened the focus and retouched faces for privacy.


Yesterday I wrote, briefly, about our dwarf agapanthus.

Today I photographed our big agapanthus.

The petals converge at the base of the bloom.

Upon inspecting blooms which are not open

it is clearly visible that their stems all converge

at the top of a large spike which the plants produces each year.



