


The Borough of Queenscliffe is

spelled with three Es….

…whereas the Township has only two e’s.

Playground eQuipment


There were some grumbles about our early start and

the subsequent crowd of early birds with us

at the Palace of Versailles.

When it came time to leave however, all we

could see were those forming this Queue

waiting to make their entry.


Fire trucks now carry all eQuipment necessary

to effect a safe rescue just about anywhere.


TorQuay is a renowned surf beach,

about 40 minutes drive from Geelong.


A Quail in South Africa’s

Kruger National Park


It is unlikely that gold miners brought before

this court would have been acQuitted of

their errant behaviour

In 2016 this image was awarded the acQuisitive prize

at a local photography show.







travel through (an unfamiliar area)
in order to learn about it.

We were told about The Shambles while

in Europe and told it was a must visit

while in York.


The Shambles consists of  many

lanes and alleys to epxlore…


…unfotunately our trip was designed to met up again

with people who picked me up and gave me a ride,

late one night in 1976.

In 1999 they had visited us on the farm

while they were Down Under.











having been broken

After several days of preparation, we were finally

prepared to place our Miss Saigon statues.

After Morning Coffee, we came around to once

again admire our endeavours only to come upon this scene.

Miss Saigon in a minimum of three pieces and

our pots cracked and

not a dog in sight.





The most you can have is the maximum”: that’s the noun. In “the maximum amount is the most you can have,” it’s used as an adjective.~~~~~


make forceful or violent efforts to get
free of restraint or constriction.

Playtime could be a struggle between

our youngest and Magggie,

at times.

Still they both appeared to enjoy the time together.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Struggle





A rusty old nut and bolt at the end

of Point Lonsdale Pier.



Metal street art (Geelong)


I’m not sure just what the purpose of this is,

however, it can be found at one

of Torquay’s Surf Beaches
