Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge-Funny


Funny in a cute kind of way.

It was only a year or two later when

No 1 Son (at the steering wheel)

was driving the ute across the paddock with No. 2’s small hands

barely hanging on to a two-inch diameter pipe

(just  visible top right) while standing on the back. 


And 25 years down the track they a still grumbling

because I was very cross with them. 

Not because they were driving, rather at their lack of care,

how fast or how dangerous it was. 

It is a standing chuckle that Number 1 was able

to hit a gate post in a twenty-foot wide temporary gateway

and Number 2 managed to drive so close to a tree that he hit

the bar I referred to previously.

The next two are more cute he funny me thinks…

However they always rate…

a smile or more from me.






6 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge-Funny

  1. Yep, I’ve let mine drive my truck around the farm too, with minimal damage…thankfully. Now though, my oldest gets his drivers license this year. That scares the shit outta me!!! 😃😃


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