Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge-Perspective


My contribution for this week’s

Fun Foto Challenge




This week I am featuring my favourite

animal on the earth.

elephant_0160 Imagine getting a whack with this…

elephant_0187and a whole new dimension is added to…

‘Make sure you wash behind your ears’.  

Our children should never again grumble…

they don’t realise how easy they have it.

DC PhoroD

Same, as above, applies here

elephant_0160A couple of travellers felt a warm spot….just….there.

Our Guide and Google, assure me that

that is where testicles are kept.

You would have to think twice before

trying to kick him in the ………. 🙂
elephant_0055Even this view was something

not previously experienced
Trunk_ElephantWork colleagues had no idea what this was…
elephant_0232and  it had to be explained.

DC Photography

DC Photography

Again not an everyday sight.


On our last day we had an early rise.

Imagine sighting this no more than thirty feet away.

elephant_0385bNot so much a different angle or perspective

for the photograph,

but definitely for the tourists.

Elephant_0181bWe were on the Olifants River

and this old dear was on land

and that was the difference

between high and low blood pressure.

Hers was high.

We were definitely not welcome.


Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Perspective

image ~~~~~
