Weekly Photo Challenge-Enveloped


My contribution for this week’s challenge…



I thought this was going to be a struggle until

Mother Nature came to lend a helping hand

agapanthus_2698First inspiration…a bee in an Agapanthus flower.

flax_2731Flax flower petals seem to envelop the stamen..

DC Photograpppphy

and the Agapanthus is struggling to break out

of an all enveloping shroud of protective leaves.

agapanthus_2720A few hours later and it will be looking like its cousin.





Cee’s Black and White Challenge:


A variety of water photos this week.


African waterhole

sea_0471Bass Strait at Warrnambool, South West, Victoria.

giraffe_N1079Quenching the thirst.

water_0913Balyang Sanctuary, Geelong.

water-ellie_0150Watching elephants come into drink

only 25 metres from us

was worth the trip to Africa (Botswana) on its own.

corio-bay_0012Seagull on Corio Bay, Friday morning.


Cee’s Black & White: Liquid

