


In the past few years we have visited many

well known places and some off the beaten track placess

all of which would fit this challenge.

However,  after some deliberation I decided to focus

on Melbourne, our state capital, and until the early 1900s

the site of our Federal Parliament.

Used to be known as ‘Fairy Penguins’ now renamed

‘Little Penguins’ at Melbourne Aquarium

Burke Street Mall busker.


Prince’s Bridge over the Yarra

We took a carriage ride around Victoria (Vancouver Island)

last year, still haven’t taken one around Melbourne.

After sailing from Geelong on a ferry trial,

late August 2018, this was the view as we arrived

at Melbourne and sailed up the Yarra River

and under West Gate Bridge.

For tennis fans.

Rod Laver Arena, in Melbourne Park,

home of the Australian Open since 1988…

and where we recently attended

Hugh Jackman’s Concert.



Pedestrian Bridge over the Yarra River



Melbourne skyline by the Yarra.

Melbourne Post Office

of a bygone era.

Melbourne Skyline from Williamstown Marina.

Couldn’t decide between BW or…

…or colour.

So decided to leave both in.

a  slightly over exposed Bourke St. Mall…

…in December a few years back.


Melbourne from Saint Kilda Pier

Saint Kilda Pier


Saint Kilda Pier

Finally, Melbourne at dawn,

from a Hot Air Balloon.




Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:  Pick-a-Place

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Leya: Pick-a-Place

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:  Pick-a-Place

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:  Pick-a-Place






a person who enjoys eating and often eats too much.

I could often used the word ‘gourmand’

to describe my eating habits…

at the start

of a guided tour/holiday.

Usually by the first morning stop…

…the sight off food is making me ill and

normal eating habits

quickly return.