Weekly Photo Challenge-Signs


My contribution for this week’s challenge…



The Khama Rhino Sanctuary was our second stop in Botswana.

khama sign_0277As the sign states, the Rhinoceros population here is being watched over….

if fact cared for by a military guard.

sign_0010Signs indicated…

where to eat,

the most important place of all on a hot day,

and of course that swimming was available.

khama sign_0549This sign was self-explanatory.

khama sign_0011I just love the placement of this sign…

khama sign_0014in the background is a temporary canvas restaurant, and bar, and…


to the left are the beginnings of the new restaurant,

the previous restaurant having burned down,

This photo is a sure sign of better things to come.

khama sign_0282Rule number three states: ‘Driving  is not allowed after dark’.

We were told that this because the sanctuary is guarded twenty-four hours a day

by members of a nearby military camp…

khama_0113and to re-enforce this statement we had noted these towers,

during our drive around the sanctuary.

Another sign of poaching problems.

Poaching Rhinoceros for their (keratin-fingernail) horn is so bad that in

excess of 1,000 rhinoceros were killed in South Africa alone, in 2013,

…just for the horn.

That is nearly 3 rhinos shot dead


day during 2013.

I did hear that even a foetus had its horn removed

The policy here, is ‘shoot first ask questions later’.

I  was not about to test the policy!


Graph 1, data published by South African Department of Environmental Affairs (2014)


By my calculations, the 2013 figure of

1004 deaths

will be


this year



29 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge-Signs

    • I must confess to only being made aware of how bad it was in September, 2013 when we visited. We saw some beautiful specimens a few weeks ago and will perhaps publish some photos at a later date.


  1. Pingback: Signs | Blogged With Words

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Signs | Wide Eyed in Wonder

    • Demand from China and Vietnam are the major reasons why poaching has increased. Wealthy members of some Asian countries has driven demand for rhino horn. I have included part of an article found on this webiste:
      Douglas Hendrie, from the Hanoi-based Education for Nature Vietnam, says while research explored the perceived medicinal values of rhino horn, the survey also found the desire to “show off” was the overriding factor for Vietnam’s wealthy.
      “You find people using rhino horn much the same way as you might own a two-car garage,” he told Asia Pacific.
      “But rather than parking your two Mercedes Benz in the garage you park them out on the driveway so your neighbours can see them.
      “And so it’s a from of conspicuous consumption, gifting out rhino horn to colleagues or bosses or winning or earning favour by doing so, or just showing off.”
      Rhino horn reportedly sells for up to $US1,400 an ounce – about the price of gold.
      Mr Hendrie says the demand for rhino horn in Vietnam is likely to increase as the country’s economy develops – and its middle class expands.



  3. Thank you for the informative post. This is one of those times that “liking” a post is not really a like. The statistics you reveal are very distressing. I appreciate when blogs help to build awareness… a first step in the foundations for change…


  4. I love your post…the images and your comments. The loss of rhinos is disheartening. I’m glad it’s being taken seriously and hope they are able to perverse these amazing animals. Thank you for including my blog in your list as well. Peace.


  5. Wonderful that you combined the fun photo challenge with raising awareness of the plight of our rhinos Woolly. Sad stats of affairs, but with the citizens of the world getting up to support us in the fight, we have to turn the tide somewhere.


    • Thank you. It is sad that rhinos are being poached out of existence. I discovered an Australian connection yesterday and only hope it is genuine
      At the moment I am nearly finished a novel by Tony Park, Aussie author, which has as part of the plot a trophy hunter stalking a rhino. Makes more sense these days than it would have a few years ago.
      Hopefully sanity will prevail and demand for rhino horn and ivory will diminish due to public pressure.

      Liked by 1 person

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