

Cee’s Black and White Challenge:

Abandoned or Alone.


I have cheated a bit with the first photo….

machinery_0027it was one of my Black and White

photos last Tuesday…

old abandoned machinery

windmill_0019One windmill, alone, can provide water for many hundreds of sheep.

The passing of time has seen the original tanks abandoned

in favour of a newer, bigger, plastic tank.

tree_0021A lone sheep near the lone tree in a paddock.

pelican_6174I think my favourite of this series.

I’m a sucker for a pelican.


Cee’s Black & White: Abandoned-Alone




6 thoughts on “Cee-Black-White-Abandoned-Alone

    • That one was well and truly under exposed. For some reason my camera changed for 1/250 to 1/1600 exposure time. The f stop changed from 9 to 6.3. And their was only about 20 seconds between photos…pelicans don’t move THAT fast. Theoretically, settings should not have changed.


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