

In February 2014 we had

…about a week of smoke haze…

due to prevailing winds blowing smoke

from bushfires located in the east of Victoria.

This year it has not been as bad as prevailing winds

were taking smoke away from us

for most of the summer.

One or two days of light haze and smoke,

mainly due to some, small closer fires..



3 thoughts on “Pic-and-Word-Challenge_Wk179_Haze

  1. Pingback: Courage ~ Pic and a Word Challenge #180 – Pix to Words

  2. We’ve been experiencing record fire seasons here in Canada the last few years. The summers in British Columbia, as a result, have been inundated with smoke for weeks and even months. Two summers ago, Kamloops, BC, had the world’s worst air quality for weeks in a row.

    Part of the new world we’ve been creating, an accelerating trend which we seem to be hell bent on doing all too little about.


    • Agreed. Now the ‘Greens’ political party has enough power to stop people gathering fallen timber in forest for their wood fires. So the environment of rare flairs or fauna remains intact until it is obliterated every few years by huge fires. These fires are often deliberately lit. And to make matters worse, the people making/influencing these decisions live at most ‘three blocks’ from the central business district of their capital cities.


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