
The closest thing we have to Hurricanes are Whirlwinds,

also known as Willy-Willys.  However, our whirlwinds

while looking like a hurricane or tornado, only last

a few seconds, minutes at most, and are usually

in the open and do little or no damage.

The only experience I have with damage from this

weather phenomenon was in the 1900s or early 2000s.

Note the right hand side of my woolshed roof is

whiter cleaner, newer.

A six foot long sheet of iron was found in a paddock

100 metres away.

I remember thinking it was a pity that the other side

was not damaged as well,

so I could have replaced the whole roof.

It surely needed replacing.

However, we gone a little over two years

after this photo was taken.


Weekly Weather: Hurricane

Weekly Weather

Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge-17Wk33-1308


Odd Ball

Week 33, 2017


Again a fog photo.

Two bollards usually have morning joggers,

fishermen and the occasional photographer

to keep them company.

Not so, that morning.


Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge-Week-33





