
Better Blogging with Photography:

How to Maximize Your Blog Using Your Own Images


Terri Webster Schrandt

I must confess wanting to read Better Blogging with Photography from the moment I saw it advertised on Terri Webster Schrandt’s Second Wind Leisure Blog.  I was not disappointed with my Kindle copy from Amazon.  Before I go any further should you, like me, not own a Kindle there is a free Kindle app, which, according to website may be used on any of the following; Android, Blackberry 10, iOS, Mac and Windows devices.  I use it on my iPads.

Better Blogging with Photography is broken into seven chapters each of dealing with specific parts of blogging and photography.   For example some of the topics covered relate to why photographs are beneficial to a blog; how to create and use your own images; how your images can generate traffic to your blog and finally, photography and Social Networking.

Whether you are a novice or have a few blogging years under your belt I’m sure there is something in Better Blogging with Photography for you.

I have rated

Better Blogging with Photography

Better Blogging with Photography cover

as a thoroughly enjoyablefour star read.

At the time of writing my review

other Goodreads readers had awarded

Better Blogging with Photography

an average of 4.86 stars

from 14 ratings

and 10 reviews.


Better Blogging with Photography

may be purchased online from


Cover image used

with permission of

Terri Webster Schrandt








* brass wind instruments
(including trumpet, horn/bugle, and trombone)
forming a band or a section of an orchestra.

Menin Gate  Buglers



Silver plated bugles made of brass


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:...Brass
