Travel Theme-Laughter




Travel Theme.


The spotted, or laughing, hyena was my only inspiration for this post.

hyena_0054This was my first ever hyena sighting in Kruger National Park.

hyena_0088This one could have been laughing after

it had had a late night feed at

our camp in Botswana last year.


Where’s My Backpack?: Travel Theme: “Laughter



13 thoughts on “Travel Theme-Laughter

  1. Pingback: Energy UFO's Captured with Infrared Camera VIDEO - Proxy Ponder

  2. We just love hyenas; they always seem to be heading somewhere with such purpose (as can be seen in that great first photograph of yours). Many people don’t like them, thinking of them as cowardly scavengers – what’s your opinion Woolly?


    • My opinion of hyenas was not very high prior to 2013, thanks to Walt Disney. I even thought hyenas and Wild Dogs were one and the same. The first one was as you stated…going somewhere with a purpose and to hell with the tourists and their cameras. I just love animals that treat tourists like that 🙂 She came out of the grass and walked down the bitumen past us giving only a glance over her (I think) shoulder once. The ones which came into camp last year were only looking for a feed. The picture hyena is nervous and was not aggressive…although it could have been, like any canine. I think the flash reflection makes it look more onerous than it was. And the first hyena which came into camp was there also for a feed, but he was arrogant and big and beautiful.

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  3. Pingback: Travel theme: Laughter | nowathome

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