



Sydney Harbour Bridge…

…and the

Sydney Opera House

Leaning Tower of Pisa


Rome’s Colosseum


the  Eiffel Tower in Paris…


…and a visit to Paris would not be complete

without visiting Notre Dame de Paris…

…we were lucky to visit about

tweleve months before the fire.


Across the chanel Buckingham Palace was always high

on my list of London places to visit.


Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge






happening or done before the usual
or expected time.


King Alfred Daffodils…


…along with Jonquils are members of the

Amaryllis family, and are an early sign

of spring when they brighten up

a  July / August garden.


At about the same time the

Golden and the Cootamundra Wattle trees,

which are both Australian Natives

and both members of the Acacia family,

begin to flower in gardens and in

roadside plantations.


