



representing the most perfect or typical example
of a quality or class.


Brandy was my quintessential dog.

On ocasion, I also called him my bicentennial dog,

because I was given him in December 1988

which was our bi-centennial year.

Whenever I was inside our house Brandy

could be seen, on the back of the ute,

ears pricked, waiting for me.

This day Molly had the higher seat,

however Brandy knew where I was.





behaving or done in a cautious and surreptitious manner,
so as not to be seen or heard.

I’m fairly certain that this mad dash

across our yard was anything but

stealthy on Maggie’s part.






I found this while searching for the

Apple Store in London

At the Masked Ball

in Arras France

How a Yorkshire woman reacts to an ultimatum

I saw this sign in Fremantle, Western Australia.

And I have yet to discover why Bicycle Helmets are

compulory while travelling to Rottnest (Island)

which can only be accessed by boat or ferry.


I had heard of the Coke sign at King’s Cross in Sydney.


The Argus was a newspaper of 50 or 60 years ago.

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission maintains

Cemeteries of World Wars 1 & 2 in France and Belgium

in impeccable condition.



New Zealand

I think Dr Snip has snipped his last,

for this sign is no longer.


One of the better signs from

the Pub Wall series.


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:…Billboards-&-Signs

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Anne:…Billboards-&Signs

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:…Billboards-&-Signs

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:…Billboards-&-Signs

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Anne:…Billboards-&-Signs

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Sofia:…Billboards-&-Signs

Lens-Artist Photo-Challenge John:…Billboards-&-Signs

Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Donna:…Billboards-&-Signs


Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Ritva:…Billboards-&-Signs