Black and White Tuesday17-0314_


Black and White Tuesday

 March 14, 2017



I tired my hand at photographing

some roadside grass this week.

In another life I would call these grasses weeds!

But in this forum…they are subjects!


I was sorely tempted to crop just the centre of this one and

call it Roadside Blue Poles after we (Australia)

paid a world record price of $1.3 million

for a piece of art in 1973.

It was a case of love it, or hate it.

There was no in between!

According to Google it is now worth $350 million.

Just shows how much I know about art! 🙂

If you have not heard of, or seen, 

Blue Poles…Click here.



Hope you enjoyed.



Book Review-The-Raging-Quiet


The Raging Quiet


Sherryl Jordan

The Raging Quiet highlights the prejudices and ignorance of people when they are confronted with those who are different.  Although set in the past the concepts are equally applicable in the 21st century.

A young Marnie is spurned by her friends and relatives because of rumours relating to her morality.  After a short marriage and Marnie is left to fend for herself against the townsfolk’s prejudices in the village to which she moved.

The only friends she finds are the local priest and the mad boy.

Anymore will spoil the plot.

Enjoy a solid


Goodreads readers have rated

The Raging Quiet

an average of 4.22 stars from 3,474 ratings and 315 reviews


Image result for The Raging Quiet

The Raging Quiet

can be purchased on-line at 

Fishpond, and Amazon

NB: Fishpond search shows

‘Sweet Sacrament’ first

followed by ‘Raging Quiet’.

Read in 2010