Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge-Stairs-Steps-Ladders


My contribution for this week’s

Stairs, Steps, Ladders


 Most Stairs or Steps this week.steps_0019Step down to a water taxi on Sydney Harbour.


Getting into a water taxi would be much easier

than this flight of steps leading up to

Sydney Harbour Bridge.

And just to be clear, these steps only took us to road level.

steps_0177Of course there was a similar set on the other side.

Note the smooth section in the centre.

A Sydneysider would be able to tell me

if it was included specifically to make it easier

to push one’s bicycle up.

Wonder does anyone ride down the stairs?


Tis part of Old Sydney almost looks like

it could be an Occupational Health and Safety issue.


The exit from Southern Cross Railway Station

shopping centre.


And the reverse view.

There is an escalator to the right, just out of shot

for those with dicky knees…like me.


Still in Southern Cross Station…

my heart breaks if my train pulls up near these stairs,

or if the escalator is not working.

