



I discovered this sign in Melbourne a few years ago. 

I’m not certain that we do say Welcome

when greeting someone.

It’s more like G’Day.



This Welcome to Victoria sign

would be spectaular when flowers

were in bloom, I suspect, at Victoria,

Vancouver Island




On June 1, 2023,  the Swedish Royal Palace

was welcoming us










calm or peaceful



Dawn at Geelong’s

Griffin Gully Pier











Perhaps not quite the rectangles required for

today’s post however, there are several rectangles

in this dog kennel.

Rectangular mirror and reflections.

The Nationall Gallery of Victoria (NGV)

home to Australian Art,  contains rectangles,

not only, in the geometry in its walls,

but also in the overall design of the building.


Anyone who has been up Vancouver’s

Grouse Mountain may have noticed this piece

of art hanging in the coffee shop near its peak.

British Columbia



Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:…Two-Rectangles

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Ann:…Two-Rectangles

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:…*******

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:…Two-Rectangles


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Anne:...Two-Rectangles

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Sofia:…Two-Rectangles

Lens-Artist Photo-Challenge John:…Two-Rectangles

Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Donna:...*******


Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Ritva:…Two-Rectangles

Lens-Artist Photo-Challenge Egidio:…Two-Rectangles