


the quality of being hot;
high temperature.

While visiting New Zealand’s, Rotorua

we decided to also visit the

Whakarewarewa Maori Village…


…where we watched or lunch being cooked

in one of the geothermal pools.

I can highly recommend the experience.






an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions,
especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert
or on a hot road caused by the refraction
of light from the sky by heated air.


On the horizon there appears to be a thin darker

blue line resembling the ocean or water.

However considering the nearest ocean was

approximately 1,000 kilomtres to the east

and that Lekhubu Island is in the

Kalahari Desert it was more likely to be

a mirage than anything else.











fulfilment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs,
or the pleasure derived from this.

Nothing satisfied Maggie more than some rough house with the boys…


…and although she was last on the list for a new kennel, she was very satisfied when it arrived.

Of course on a daily basis food…

especially a bone,

satisifed her no end.

Some times she would even share

with the cats…


…as long as they cleaned her afterwards.


Fairly early on in her life she learned that

sleeping was a great way to express

her satisfaction with her lot…

…a skill she passed on to Taji very quickly,

it would seem.





This is a cropped version of yesterday’s FOTD post. 

Google tells me it is an impatiens.

Butchart Gardens


Vancouver Island



