
The most you can have is the maximum”: that’s the noun. In “the maximum amount is the most you can have,” it’s used as an adjective.~~~~~


begin (a course of action).


Five years ago, in September 2018, we hired

a Ford Everest, and embarked on a road trip

around New Zealand’s North Island.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Embark





A way to immerse one’s self in Monet’s work.

Images were projected onto the walls.


All photos were taken with my Oppo Reno 10 x Zoom.








Thousands of years ago…


…this landscape was under water…

…and, I suspect, the view would have

looked something like this.

However, when we crossed the

Makgadikgadi Salt Pans

we were surrounded by wide open space…


…and although I love my country

more than city living…

…sometimes space is just too much.

We only spent one night at LeKhubu Island,

however, in 2014, one night was enough

to admire the ancient Baobab Trees…


…which appear to thrive in this North Eastern

section of the Kalahari Desert


One Word Sunday Challenge:…Space










Geelong public art

Metal Sculpture

Butchart Gardens

Vancouver Island


Farm-All Tractor near Geelong, circa the early 1950s.

I can just remember Dad having one at home.

Chequer plate flooring



Rusty Metal Nut

Metal Staircase guard in Melbourne lane

My only nod to a Halloween colour…I hope.
