

This is not my first post from…

however, it may be the first devoted solely to

Balyang Sanctuary, a wetland reserve

within Geelong city limits.

From the car park this tree

is one of the first sights

a visitor may see.

Usually there are birds surrounding its base.

This visit it was seagulls.


 There are two…


bridges to cross to the far side of the sanctuary…a short walk.

  Often visitors spread a blanket in this area…

 and enjoy a picnic, some solitude or the views.

That’s if you can ignore a myriad of birds

talking to each other in the trees overhead.

I find the Balyang Sanctuary inhabitants

provide many photographic opportunities.


 Even better, I don’t need  to ask permission

to take their photo.

 And if I do take a photo, the subject is unlikely

to tell me to delete a photo should they think

I had pointed the camera in their general direction.


Cee’s Black & White Challenge: Outdoor-Walks-or-Roads



3 thoughts on “Cee-BW-Challenge-An-Outdoor-Walk

  1. Pingback: Jo’s-Monday-Walk_Balyang-Sanctuary – WoollyMuses

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