

Week 109


I Googled the meaning of ‘steadfast’ for inspiration,

and found

resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.


loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable,

reliable, steady, true, constant, staunch, trusty.

Now at the risk of boring readers all I could think of

was dear old Brandy.

From the day I brought him home…

 until he became the master and was

teaching his apprentice, he was

all of those definitions of steadfast to me.


Pic and Word Challenge: Steadfast

One Word Photo Challenge-Landscape






On Monday morning I set off on a six hour drive…and this was all I could see

of the surrounding landscape.


Without warning I drove out of the fog into sunlight

and a sea of canola blooms guided me towards…


 my destination…Halls Gap.

Hall’s Gap is a pretty town situated in

the southern end of Australia’s Great Diving Range.

These two shots from a car park show

Halls Gap township surrounded by mountains.

 This end of the Great Dividing Range is known as

the Grampians.

Hall’s Gap is only about an hours drive

from where I spent most of my life.


 One Word Photo Challenge: Landscape
