


very typical of its kind.

This should be a classic catch…

…as should this one, judging by the expression on

the face of the fielder facing me.






Wherever there is a popular tourist attraction

there is a good chance that you will find a

signpost pointing the direction to other parts

of the world or other parts of the attraction

as this one at The Tower of London does.











One really cannot go to London without riding

a double-decker bus.


And it appears that Londoners, like Melbournians

are doing something, albeit very little,

towards saving our planet.


During my school years, I had heard that bicycles

were a major form of transport in Amsterdam.


However I never, ever thought that there would be…


…more bicycles than motor-powered vehicles

in the streets.


Flinders Street Station



St Paul’s Cathedral


…and again.


Melbourne’s rent a bike





I have never seen this before or since.


A very frosty morning…


…and while not an icy morning, this one was cold.

I often wonder if it was the lack of trees that caused

the severe frosts when we moved off the farm.


Today, I would have to peer through them

to see both places.


Middle of June…

…on Canada’s

Columbia Icefield.

