



a slow, regular movement of the sea
in rolling waves that do not break.

These waves have broken or are breaking

and are now not part of the swell

by my definition.

Wheras, the waves on this beach are

nearly at the shore before breaking.










an intense feeling of deep affection.

This couple certainly appeared to be

more than friends and didn’t care,

on London Bridge,

who knew it.


While I will never be certain that love was

in the air with this Canadian couple…

…they appeared affectionate

towards each other.







hostile behaviour; unfriendliness
or opposition.

At this age I was certain that one would harm the other…

…since October 2019 they have had two fights

with both sets of hostilities being instigated

by Candi and finished by Taji.

Both have started when I have been away…


…the last one there was blood all over both of them,

however it was mainly Candi’s blood.

On both occasions she has been very sore for

around 6 to 8 weeks after the event.   

One day she may learn, however, at the moment

she has the memory span of a gold fish.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Hostility