Weekly Photo Challenge-Focus



My contribution for this week’s challenge…



This week I focused on focus, or depth of field.

 A Seat at Lochnagar Crater which is

a privately owned war memorial.


I was so intent at getting the roses in focus and in shot

I neglected the horizon.

Straightening the image looses the top left rose.

So we have a crooked image…or do we?


Taken from behind the Australia Rising Sun

built into the Australian War Memorial

at Villers Bretonneux.

May be difficult to see but

all the background is a blur.





Black and White Tuesday17-1306-Fromelles


Black and White Tuesday


Fromelles War Cemetery where the remains

of soldiers recently found in mass graves,

in nearby Pheasant Wood,

are interred.

Entrance to Fromelles War Grave Cemetery.

 The middle grave in the front (foreground) row,

with the Australian flag,

belongs to MGW’s cousin’s uncle…

18-year-old Private Justin Hercules Breguet.

And….because MGW and her cousin share

the same (Breguet) grandmother,

Justin is MGW’s uncle also.

Not sure if it is correct to talk in he first person of someone

who died 100 years ago…


but it does seem correct.

Apologies to students of the English language.

As you can see the War Graves are attached to the

Fromelles General Cemetery,

so a visit to Fromelles,

is a visit to the fallen soldiers as well.

No excuses.



Hope you enjoyed.



One Word Photo Challenge-Giraffe



After our first African Safari,

I was telling a then work colleague about…

this giraffe which always waited at, or near, the gate

to our camp looking over the fence.

My colleague used this beautiful face as a reason

for NOT going to visit Africa.

I was shocked!!


 One Word Photo Challenge: Giraffe
