

Cee’s Black and White Challenge:



I think I am a week late with this one…

DSC_0006and have been wondering where in the blazes was I

going to find old and new telephones?

Earlier today I noticed the two black ones and

as I picked up my camera, lo and behold,

the old Telstra phone on the left came into view.

Now I beg…of you..I am going to get enough

MGW comments as it is.

Do I REALLY need any more 🙂

For the record  the new one is in the middle,

and the oldest one is the white telco phone on the left.


Cee’s Black & White: Telephones





4 thoughts on “Cee-Black-White-Telephones

  1. We have a lot of old reruns from the 80’s and 90’s on our TV here and I always find it so amusing to see how the phones have changed so much. I also have an old phone – simply because it doesn’t need power to work. Even watching the X-Files is funny as they have to pull out the antenna to get a signal – ah, those were the days.


    • The first mobile phone I ever sighted belong to a bloke who owned his own plane…not broke like the average person. The hand piece resemble a two way radio and clipped on his belt and there was a shoulder pack, roughly 12x12x3 inches to power it. I used to wonder what it was like to use that phone…still do. So cumbersome.


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