


make (someone or something) late or slow.


When a Labrador is in full flight, anything can

upset its train of thought.

Even it’s intended prey veering slightly

in another direction can cause significant

delays in its thought processes…

…so, when a fence rears up as an obstacle,

the only thing they can do is

slam on the brakes,

and pray, I suspect!!





a box into which mail is delivered, especially one mounted
on a post at the entrance to a person’s property.

Fyansford, a small suburb on the outskirts of Geelong

was once home to a papermill…in the background.

I assume these mailboxes were where the

workforce mail was delivered.


Similalrly these mailboxes are where residents of

Butter Cup Road, near Merrijig, collect their mail. 

This was one of the sihtiins we observed as

we made our way to Craig’s Hut.




Which Way


In Vienna these steps….


…form part of Albertina Square.


There are no steps in or out of the Ruakari Cave,

the last of New Zealand’s Waitomo’s Caves we visited.

No steps, just a long wide spiral stepless staircase.


Italy’s Vatican City had several types of ways to proceed.

The first we encountered was a normal staircase.

The second was a spiral staircase,

the first we ever encountered and

which, we were told, was not

open to the public.



