


an appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool
and used to store food and drink.

A well stocked refridgerator with

a freezing compartment on top.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Refridgerator





form one’s features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression,
typically with the corners of the mouth turned up
and the front teeth exposed.

Lacking teeth to expose, however, he has a cute smile.

Personally, I am not a fan of the toothy smile.

Back in my wedding photography days,

I noticed that while many subjects exposed

their teeth, those who did not were

more attractive.


Perhaps not a full-blooded smile, however,

I’m sure there is a slight grin there.

I certainly smile whenever I see this image.

Another cute smile and not

a tooth in sight.


Weekly Prompt Photo Challenge:…Smiles


Wednesday (1800) and Saturday (1800)