


Cosmic Challenge

Art for Art’s sake


Street Art is popping up everywhere…

The above maybe found in

Melbourne’s Hosier Lane…


…while this bird is to be found when alighting

a Geelong bound train at

Geelong North station.

Whereas this piece is at Kings Cross in Sydney

a very short distance from the police station.


However, to find these Wombats you will need

to travel well into South-West Victoria

to the coastal City of Warrnambool.

Their wall burrow is a part of the art

at Lyndoch Aged Care.



Side street art in Geelong.

Did Betty and Veronica ever look this good?

Disovered by chance in

a Geelong sidestreet.












A way to immerse one’s self in Monet’s work.

Images were projected onto the walls.


All photos were taken with my Oppo Reno 10 x Zoom.








Tembo of

Elephant Whispers

South Africa

A Magpie which decided to invite itself

to my late lunch in the

Geelong Botanical Gardens, where waited

until he thought I wasn’t looking (I wasn’t) and

then snatched he last piece of my sandwich.

My 2020 Pansy planting

A cheetah at

Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

in South Africa


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Patti:…Fill-the-Frame

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Anne:…Fill-the-Frame*

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Amy:…Fill-the-Frame*

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Tina:…Fill-the-Frame


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Anne:…Fill-the-Frame

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge Sofia:…Fill-the-Frame

Lens-Artist Photo-Challenge John:…Fill-the-Frame*

Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Donna:…Fill-the-Frame


Lens-Artist-Photo-Challenge Ritva:…Fill-the-Frame*





a symbol or graphic representation on a screen of a program, option, or window.


These computer icons are shortcuts to three web bowsers

While the last one (This Computer) can be used as

a shortcut to all the drives and file folders

to be found on my PC.


One Word Sunday Challenge:…Icon
