
The most you can have is the maximum”: that’s the noun. In “the maximum amount is the most you can have,” it’s used as an adjective.~~~~~


loss of reputation or respect as the result
of a dishonourable action.

Maggie was certainly in disgrace…


…after she had apparently been digging

in the garden somewhere.

Ttouble is we never discovered where

she had been digging.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Gallery





If the bureau of meteorology is to be believed

we are in for a long, hot and dry summer.


New South Wales currently has 45 fires burning

and only fiiteen are listed as under control.

At the moment I am not aware of any fires

burning in Victoria.

All of these images are several years old

and the fires were no where near Geelong.

In fact the fires were 300 to 400 kilometres away

and that is as close to a fire that I want to be,

particluarly at this stage of my life.


 Although, about fifty years ago,

I was a bit more gungho.







unable to find one’s way;
not knowing one’s whereabouts.

In December 2022 I decided that

a new laptop was in order so that

I could post during our holiday in Scandinavia. 

The fact that I did not make any posts is due to

a variety of things and none of them being

the lack of technoloy. 

However, at this point in time it appears

my laptop is lost. 

The only place I have not looked is in

my suitcase, which is the first place MGW

suggested two days ago. 

Personally, I don’t think it will be there as

I am fairly certain that I was using it

after we arrived home.

For the record…this image was captured

in 2008 and I do not know where

this laptop is today, either.
