
The most you can have is the maximum”: that’s the noun. In “the maximum amount is the most you can have,” it’s used as an adjective.~~~~~


damage (someone’s reputation).

The day Maggie turned up at the back door,

covered in dirt, presumably from

digging in the garden…

…her reputation, as a well-behaved dog,

was forever besmirched


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Besmirch





an implement with a handle and a block of bristles,
hair, or wire, used especially for cleaning,
applying a liquid or powder to a surface,
or arranging the hair.

Callistemon, commonly known as Bottle Brush,

are very simlar in appearance to a bottle brush


This wire brush is used for stripping rust off metal.

It fits in the end of a drill an revolves at

a maxium speed of 4,500 R.P.M.




