



A South African Dirt Track

A sandy track in Botswana

Even the animals use the sealed roads

in South Africa’s

Kruger Park

Part of the

Great Western Highway.

A section of the

Great Ocean Road








Feed the Magpies


Way back in 2016, we had just managed to…

…to almost domesticate some magpies.

Usually, I would break a slice of bread into pieces

and scatter it around the yard.

This particular day I decided to test our magpies

and leave their food on the back verandah.


As you can see by these images they

took the bait so to speak.


However, without giving the Magpies a second

thought we decided to purchase a labrador pup.

Taji soon made it known that anything edible

was hers…


…and took great delight hunting the magpies

away from her food and her backyard.

It took a while before we realised that we had not

seen a magpie for some time, by then the

Indian Myna (which are members of the Starling family)

had invaded our backyard at feed time.

Introduced in the 1860s to help control insects

around Melbourne’s vegetable gardens.

The Indian Myna is not to be confused with

the Australian native the Noisy Miner, which is

a member of the Honey Eater family.
