Great Ocean Road

Earlier this year I played tour guide for some Canadian friends whom I had not seen for around thirty-five years. I spent several weeks planning an itinerary which would I hoped would repay them for the hospitality they showed me when visiting Canada.

A day trip from Geelong to Port Campbell was decided upon. This drive would see us travel from east to west along the Great Ocean Road, an iconic heritage listed tourist attraction along South Western Victoria’s coastline.


The the first indication that you are about to enter the Great Ocean Road proper is the Great Ocean Road ‘gateway’ about twenty minutes drive from Geelong.


imageThe road is not straight and care must be taken while driving. Allowing a full day to travel from Geelong to Port Campbell will give you time to admire the scenery.

Commencing at the Geelong end is better for two reasons. First, in Australia we drive on the left side of the road, so driving from East to West gives everyone better views of the rugged coastal. Second reason, is that the sun is behind you all the way which makes the drive more relaxing.

The planned trip also offered me a chance to use my Nikon D90.

3 thoughts on “Great Ocean Road

  1. Pingback: First Adventure at Shelly Beach Warrnambool, Victoria

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